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Curatorial projects for commercial and public galleries and museums. I employ a research based approach to curation to ensure that my exhibitions are relevant, engaging, and cutting edge. Whilst at SOAS, University of London, I studies modules in curation, which provided a strong theoretical grounding for developing my practice. Subsequently, I produced a series of exhibitions for Messums Gallery, working with UK based and international artists. This led me to lead the curation for the Mercer Art Gallery's 2023 summer exhibition, titled TOTAL RECALL: Myth and Memory. Through these experiences I have collaborated with many talented artists, particularly with Northern British artists., to create projects that have been connecting with the public.


Upcoming projects include work in Japan for Sai Gallery and for the British Museum as a curator in the Japan department.

Poster for Total Recall Myth and Memory Mercer Art Gallery Summer Exhibition 2023. Designed by Joe Nickols
Poster for the Overlay Overlay Exhibition at Owl Store in Harrogate. Designed by Joe Nickols
Routes North: Emerging Northern Talent 2022 Messums Gallery Exhibition. Designed by Joe Nickols
Cover Art for Contemporary Korean Ceramics: Ree Soo Jong and Lee Hun Chung Exhibition
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